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Oil film antirust oil

Product Number :P-901
Product Type :Direct Use of Oil Film Type
Packing : 18L (rubber drum) 200L (iron drum)
Warranty Period :
  • Technical Parameter
  • Applications
  • Logistics Services
  • Product Customization
  • 020 3205 0123

Product Overview:
Widely used for metal storage and rust prevention, rust prevention period of about 2 years. It has good isolation effect on salt fog.

Applicable to:

all kinds of indoor or outdoor mechanical rust-proof and metal products packaging rust-proof.

Main points of application:
1. After cleaning and drying, the workpiece is oiled by dipping, brushing or spraying at room temperature.
2. Parts after unpacking can be used directly without degreasing.
3. Precision parts should be sealed after oiling to prevent dust from adhering.

Main indicators:


quality index

Kinematic Viscosity 40 C, mm2/S


Oil-based stability (52 C, 72 h)


Hygrothermal test (45 # steel, 36h)


Rust resistance of overlapping surfaces (49 C, 7 cycles, 168 h)

No. 45 steel sheet


H62 brass sheet


Corrosion test (55 C, 168h)

No. 45 steel sheet


H62 brass sheet


LY12 aluminium sheet (4h)



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